Chris Roberts is a social worker trained in offering therapy to children who have been abused.

What Made You Want to Become a Therapist?

My parents instilled into me growing up that we are the stewards of our community and that community includes humanity. I was blessed enough to work with many other people including working at a psychiatric hospital. I got to see first hand the change and healing that can happen when a person feels connected, cared for, and given quality skills to improve their life. I hope to provide that same quality of healing in my work.

Why Do You Love Your Job?

What other job is there where you can help others heal, connect and watch them grow, and make a meaningful impact in a person’s life. I’m lucky to be able to work with amazing individuals and be a part of their life journey. Some days are tougher than others, but even on the toughest day, I get to walk along side other incredible people to help them live their best version of a successful life.

Where Did You Earn Your College Degrees? 

I went to Grand Valley State University to get my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree and was trained in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Western Michigan University and Michigan State University.

Why Is Drawing an Integral Part of Helping Children Heal?

Utilizing free form art and expression skills, such as drawing, allows for the client to be in charge of their disclosure and take back some of the power that they’ve possibly lost in their traumatic experiences but also possibly just being a child where adults make their choices and now they get a chance to control their life, if even for a moment or activity.